Thursday, September 27, 2007


Ciao a tutti, I finally made it to civilization. We connected now to the Internet in our apartment so I can blog away. There is much to update everyone on but I will start with he most recent first; the Internet.
So the Internet was ordered in early August when my boyfriend signed the contract with our landlady. I should have known that the Internet would not be connected when we arrived. Anyway, most of our weeknights up until this point was spent at his mamma's checking my email. I felt so lost with out the Internet expecially when I was always connected in Toronto.
The strongest single I get on my lab top is when I am sitting on the toilet, ain't that funny? I refuse to sit on the toilet and write/check emails unless I am desperate for a connection. With wireless there is always something going wrong with the damn Internet. For now we just cross our fingers and pray that we stay connected.


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