Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Graduation & Condoms

I have been in the square many times when graduates have been celebrating their long and hard work over the years. What this means is that the graduates are greeted with loud cheers and chants by their friends and family in the streets near the University of Padova. It is a tradition here that when you graduate you dress up like a fool and walk around the city showing yourself off while everyone else makes fun of you. Once the graduate presents their thesis to the academics the are greeted with chants of "dottore, dottore" (the title means a lot in Italy). The graduate must read a long poster a loud which is written by their friends and family outlining all their flaws. Some are dressed distastefully however its very amusing to watch, here is a pic, enjoy.

As for the condoms, I came across a machine selling condoms awhile back. While I was taking the pic everyone was looking at me, strangely. What I have never seen a vending machine that depenses condoms, so I decided to take a picture. I think they should have condoms accessible 24=7, why haven't they thought of this in Canada?


Roam2Rome said...

That's so funny! Since I've also studied in Padova University, I must admit that I've participated in the flour and egg throwing, foul chanting funny graduation ritual :)

Isn't it crazy? I don't know many universities who celebrate graduations like this!

Anonymous said...

HA! That's pretty funny. We have lots of condom machines in the U.S. But the more that I think about it, I usually see them in public bathrooms and nightclubs. Was this one just out in a public place?

On a lighter note, how is your Italino coming along?


Ms. FoxyRoxy said...

The condom machine was out in the public situated close to the pharmacy. It was just odd to see. We don't have condom machines in Canada, not that I have seen anyway. If you need a condom, you have to purchase it in the store, usually the pharmacy.

Graduation celebrations are nothing like it is here in Padova. Its all good fun anyway.