Thursday, July 20, 2006

So, I have decided, prior to day, that I will be joining the love of my life in Padova, Italy. This is a hugh step for me because I have never pictured myself moving across the world to be with a man. I have however pictured myself living abroad, but swore up and down that it would not be for no man. I feel like there is much preparing to do as I will be relocating and changing my entire life. I have done a lot of research and know that here is much that I need to do to prepare for this move. The first thing I will do is SAVE my damn money and second, get my certificate in TEFL. I figure teaching English is the only way I will survive in Italy until I become fluent in Italian.


Ms. FoxyRoxy said...

daartney, thank you:)

Anonymous said...

I found your blog through "opalinthesky" blog on vox. I love reading about people's experiences and adventures in other countries. I spent 3 weeks touring Europe and I loved it! Just curious, and if you don't mind me asking, how did you and your boyfriend meet??